Monday, April 26, 2010

UNIT 9/Final Project

“Growth in our health spiritually, physically, and psychologically”

I Introduction

When an emotion and psychological aspects are resolved we have a spiritual lesson and we can move forward positively and productively, without negative Souvenir storage of experience. It is our spiritual work in this life that recalls and reconnects with who we really are.

When we decide to strengthen our inner and outer man our lives are flooded with peace and happiness. And, when a negative sentiment is released and removed from our DNA, the door opens for us to live.

The areas that I need to develop in more is get in contact and attach myself to my inner man for healing spiritually, mentally from past pains and sorrow that directed my life in the negative side of the universe. I need to know GOD intimately as this intercourse will direct me further into greatness and into my purpose that destines me to be the strength and fighter for the faith, barer of the good news that love conquers all.

II Assessment:

• Spiritually- I have inner strength for conflict through Jesus Christ. Another ingredient toward spiritual strength is found during times of inconvenience. “Change is not made without inconvenience, even from worse to better,” wrote British theologian Richard Hooker in the 16th century. It always seems inconvenient to pray, to study scriptural truth, to give financially to God, to witness, to apply the Word daily, or to attend church services. Perhaps you have heard it said that nothing great comes easy. I am on a level that is outstanding but I need to get to a higher plain to fulfill my purpose in GOD.

• Physically- My Inner power, physical strength and existential well-being in daily life exhibits my dedication to a life style as a warrior of love and not to compromise with negativity for personal gain or pleasure. This level is hard and it is a daily fight when we feed ourselves the right foods to nourish are bodies to keep it healthy, to feed ourselves wisdom to nourish our intellect and negativity must not overcome our thoughts and what we put in our bodies. I am close to my reason for existence and physical maximum accomplishments but not there yet must keep working hard with exercise to strengthen all of my senses. My body is a temple and my brain is the shrine that the temple holds for safety and protection from impurities of the earth.

• Psychologically/Emotions- My overall mental well-being
is a result of how my mind is equipped to handle setbacks. Even the most toughened of people have, at some point, experienced a mental cave in. If you are finding it hard to handle the world we live, in, be sure you are not the only one. Human beings are not robots and there are always going to be situations that give rise to symptoms of stress or depression. I have overcame so much in my life that a have a psychological armor that gets stronger everyday because of my beliefs and faith in GOD. This is a daily fight to keep my mind intact from all the things in this world that can make you go into a crazy state of disbelief and grief, mentally broke down to the confinements of this world. I will continue to Fight!

• I score my wellness spiritually, physically, and psychologically from a scale to one to ten, a 9 because there is always room to grow in my lord and my well-being but I am almost there where I want to be to conquer evil mentally/psychologically, spiritually, physically and emotionally where when I inter a space evil retreats.

III Goal development:

• Spiritual-All Christians should have clear spiritual goals, and these goals should be the most important goals in our lives! This is a non-optional component of a spiritually healthy life. I want live my life--doing the things calculated to win (disciplined training schedule; efficiency in effort)--but for different goals and for a different prize as the lord gives them to me to help others. MY ULTIMATE GOAL IS TO BE LIKE CHRIST!

• Physical- It’s not enough to decide on a health and fitness goal. You need a plan to reach that goal. Different fitness goals require different approaches. For example, weight loss requires you to regularly burn more kilojoules than you consume. My physical goal is to grow stronger physically intone with my mental and spiritual to be built for the war as a soldier of life and love.

• Psychological/Mental- Mental health goal setting is the process of thinking about and planning your future either coping with or eliminating the mental health issue currently hindering your ability to lead a successful life. Setting mental health goals also helps motivate you to move forward without becoming overwhelmed and feeling as though no progress is being made. It is possible to realistically cope with depression, anxiety disorders and other mental health issues by learning how to set personal goals for mental health. My goal is to be mentally strong to the point where I am able to conquer my transgressions in my mind before the battle starts to keep my mind sharp and ready for any counter attack from negativity and mental illnesses.

IV Practices for personal health:

• Strategies for Spiritual Growth: Spiritual growth is the process of inner awakening, and becoming conscious our inner being. It means the rising of the consciousness beyond the ordinary existence, and awakening to some Universal truths. It means going beyond the mind and the ego and realizing who you really are. Spiritual growth is a process of shedding our wrong and unreal conceptions, thoughts, beliefs and ideas, and becoming more and more conscious and aware of our inner being. This process uncovers the inner spirit that is always present, but hidden beyond the ego-personality. 10 strategies for spiritual growth:

1. Read spiritual and uplifting books. Think about what you read, and find out how you can use the information in your life.
2. Meditate for at least 15 minutes every day. If you do not know how to meditate, it is easy to find books, websites or teachers who can teach you meditation.
3. Learn to make your mind quiet through concentration exercises and meditation.
4. Acknowledge the fact that you are a spirit with a physical body, not a physical body with a spirit. If you can really accept this idea, it will change your attitude towards many things in your life.
5. Look often into yourself and into your mind, and try to find out what is it that makes you feel conscious and alive.
6. Think positive. If you find yourself thinking negatively, immediately switch to thinking positively. Be in control of what enters your mind. Open the door for the positive and close it for the negative.
7. Develop the happiness habit, by always looking at the bright side of life and endeavoring to be happy. Happiness comes from within. Do not let your outer circumstances decide your happiness for you.
8. Exercise often your will power and decision making ability. This strengthens you and gives you control over your mind.
9. Thank the Universe for everything that you get.
10. Develop tolerance, patience, tact and consideration for others.

• Strategies for Physical Growth: Physical health is determined by how we take care of or harm our bodies with nutrition, fitness, sleep habits, and drugs and alcohol use.
Strategies include fitness workouts, aerobics and weight training under a strict regiment. Nutrition diet to supplement a healthy body and mind, such as low carb, fruits and vegetables, no meat diet or fasting once two twice a week to clean impurities and negative intruders out of the body and mind.
Spend a few moments each day just to sit still. Without pushing or judging yourself, pay close attention to how your mind and body interact with each other. Carefully observe how your mind works. What is the eye that sees from within the mind? Meditate in whatever I do. Meditation means to stop thinking and to see things as they are, rather than as we wish they were. Any activity in everyday life can be a form of meditation if done wholeheartedly, playfully, and for its own sake.

• Strategies Psychological/Mental Growth: People who are emotionally healthy are in control of their emotions and their behavior. They are able to handle life’s inevitable challenges, build strong relationships, and lead productive, fulfilling lives. When bad things happen, they’re able to bounce back and move on.

The difference is that people with good emotional health have an ability to bounce back from adversity, trauma, and stress. This ability is called resilience. People who are emotionally and mentally healthy have the tools for coping with difficult situations and maintaining a positive outlook. They remain focused, flexible, and creative in bad times as well as good.
Building my resilience, one of the key factors in resilience is the ability to balance your emotions. The capacity to recognize your emotions and express them appropriately helps you avoid getting stuck in depression, anxiety, or other negative mood states. Another key factor is having a strong support network. Having trusted people you can turn to for encouragement and support will boost your resilience in tough times.

Trust in God, no matter the circumstances, having faith he will guide you to safety from the ills of the world.

• All of the strategies are basically a healthy life style that I choose to live to implement this in my life is to live my life by the concept of a Healthy way through self preservation and well-being of mind, body, soul, and spirit to achieve my ultimate purpose for God!
V Commitment:

Learning how to meet our own needs, means sometimes we will have to set up boundaries, such as saying no to the people in our lives. For some of us this can be extremely difficult. Asking for time to think about the request, gives you space to evaluate whether the request is something reasonable, within your value system, but more importantly whether it is something you even want to do. Checking with yourself and whether it will interfere with your needs is self care.
Developing healthy intimacy with ourselves is vital to setting healthy boundaries and having healthy relationships with others. We often try to create intimacy with another person, without having a healthy understanding of ourselves. We cannot be truly intimate with another if we are not intimate with ourselves.
Commitment is following Jesus. "Commitment demands a choice. Jesus wasted no time getting to the heart of commitment: Either the disciples would be committed to Him and deny their own desires, or they would be determined to go their own ways and deny Him. The choice to commit is the same for all believers - either deny ourselves or deny Him; either go His way or we pursue our way.

The goals of my personalized wellness program are to re-connect with my body and inner self so that I can radically improve my life, resolve concerns specific to me and my body and to provide myself with tools for a lifetime of balance. I will work on finding the right foods for my body and the other areas of my life that feed me on the deepest levels. This unique approach provides meaningful, lasting results that I will implement in my daily living committing myself to love, compassion, and protecting others through my lord and savior Jesus Christ. This is a lifetime of growth that one must asses themselves daily not just every 6 months or a year, it is a constant battle never ending until I die or my lord and savior returns for our judgment!

Daniel 6:1-28
They have the appearance of commitment.
-they talk the talk
-they don't walk the walk - There actions speak louder than their words telling of half-hearted -conditional commitment.

REMEMBER! “Love is First and God is Love” Then GOD is first in our lives! LUV YA!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


The two practices that I have determined to be most beneficial to my life are the Loving/Kindness and the Subtle Mind meditations/exercises.

• The loving/Kindness meditation/exercise can be brought in to support the practice of 'bare attention' to help keep the mind open and sweet. It provides the essential balance to support your insight meditation practice. It is a fact of life that many people are troubled by difficult emotional states in the pressured societies we live in, but do little in terms of developing skills to deal with them. Yet even when the mind goes sour it is within most people's capacity to arouse positive feelings to sweeten it. Loving-kindness is a meditation practice taught by the Buddha to develop the mental habit of selfless or altruistic love. In the Dhammapada can be found the saying: "Hatred cannot coexist with loving-kindness, and dissipates if supplanted with thoughts based on loving-kindness." Loving-kindness is a meditation practice, which brings about positive attitudinal changes as it systematically develops the quality of 'loving-acceptance'. It acts, as it were, as a form of self-psychotherapy, a way of healing the troubled mind to free it from its pain and confusion. Of all Buddhist meditations, loving-kindness has the immediate benefit of sweetening and changing old habituated negative patterns of mind. This meditation I love because it helps me to feel compassion and love for all living beings, to accept them as they are and to be a protector of life because of my love for others.

• The Subtle Mind meditation helps me to feel my awareness is in the centre of my chest. Observe my breathing in a relaxed and detached way and I do not force my breathing. The purpose of this exercise is to slow, calm and relaxes your breathing –this in turn helps to calm and quieting the mind, to prepare yourself for meditation. It is important that our breathing is calm and relaxed before we attempt to focus on the next level which is single pointed concentration. We need to spend a few minutes “letting go” of our hectic outer activities and the impact they have on our mental state. A breathing exercise is perfect for this. While acting with various evil desires, attachments and hatreds and fears with knowledge of forms of thought and language, the subtle thought process become unclean. The unclean thought process is a source of stress and sadness to the mind and disease in the physical body. The unclean thought process can be washed with spiritual meditation as we wash physical body with water. Physical Life is an extension of the subtle mind, which is consciousness and reflection. Physical life is merely acting under the orders of consciousness as the fate or the idea of knowledge through the thought process of mind. Acts of conscience in the spirit with the eternal inner spiritual knowledge are free from any form and language spoken in the world. The processes of thought in the mind also act with subtle thought forms of academic knowledge and language. Thoughts to mind subtle process can not act at the same time, as eternal spiritual knowledge and awareness within the thought forms of knowledge and learned the language of civilization.

I would implement both these exercises in my life by first realizing that Meditation need not be separated from life experiences, but can in fact be learned and integrated into the most exotic and mundane of our human experience. I will create a lifestyle of meditation - not only in a lotus position, or necessarily in silence, but actively involved with my life and likewise actively in tune with my heart. The main product of consistent meditation is something life long Buddhists refer to as 'the emptying process." Over time, an enormous amount of negative energy accumulates. The emptying process of meditation allows one to let go of that negativity. It will be implemented in my daily routine as breakfast, lunch and dinner or be a necessity same as sleep and rest to the body. A common misconception in regard to the subject of meditation is that it is solely a practice, an alternative to prayer or worship. While perfecting the art of meditation does take daily practice, the diligence of such practice methodically creates a lifestyle abundant in peacefulness, healthiness and wellness. The body, mind and soul all benefit from meditation, combining to forge a philosophy known as "The Art of Living." I can get closer to God with both these exercises and meditating in who he is. There’s a saying (by Robin J. Gunn) that goes like this: “If you feel far from God, guess who moved?” God doesn’t move away from us. He is faithful and loves us. Sometimes we get caught up in so many activities and end up not spending time with Him. And so in order to get in step with Him we need to rekindle that fire. These meditations help me to go before Him and rekindle my fire and desire for God. Mind, body, soul and spirit well-being is a way of life, a healthy life style and through God is where I find my peace and strength.

Holla at You’ll later!!!!!!

But because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved
Ephesians 2:4-5.

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9

“Love is First and God is Love” Then GOD is first in our lives!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


1. "Meeting Asciepius" was a outstanding visual exercise for the mind and spirit, this week was a great week for me and meditation. It seems that the more I explore in the exercise the better I get switching exersices from subtle mind to loving-kindness.As many spiritual teachers have told us for centuries, understanding how to meditate can be one of the most powerful experiences of your life. I escaped to another world and thought about those who needed to feel love insteead of stress, despair, and the pressures of daily obstacles in life. As I drifted I saw myself before GOD giving a report of what I have doe for the kingdom of heaven this as I journeyed throughout spreading love through his will. I feel a warmth as well as a strength inside me that I can conquer all hate, my existance is to benefit others and lead them to a since of goodness and to a GOD that loves us unconditionally.

We may judge the efficacy of a spiritual path by whether it incorporates some type of meditation or meditative prayer. Without a direct and repeated action on our soul, a path cannot serve our transformation nor offer the hope of access to the truly spiritual. A path may have wonderful psychological and healing effects, but without carrying us toward the true One, at least not within the limited time we have. The path may be religious, communal, or social, yet lack the power to change our hearts and transform our being. Certainly the outward manifestation of good works is a necessary part of the spiritual path, but a lack of practices for purifying and strengthening the soul limits both the inner and outer value of good works.

2. "One cannot lead another where one has not gone himself” Wow this is a powerful statement! I feel this statement couldn't me more true. To me this means that the health care provider must follow this transformation themselves first before they can understand and believe in the power of integral health. One cannot teach until they are taught, understand and practice something to this caliber themselves. One must experience the ultimate when one is trying to teach the ultimate way of life and that is through Jesus Christ. Everyone has had bad times or has been through uncomfortable situations but we make through those situations to help others make it through. So yes, I do owe it to my clients to be developing my health psychologically, physically, and spiritually, it is my journey to go through those tough times and then experience true inner-peace to know the way to inner peace for others. We can energize our lives by making the full effort to implement the values we subscribe to. Once we identify values that are meaningful to us, we can develop strategies to implement them. When we make the determined effort to implement those strategies, good fortune it sure to follow -- in the form of new opportunities, new sources of revenue and income, and other forms of material and psychological benefit. We may even notice that as we implement values, we experiences instances of "life response" -- where good fortune suddenly comes to us from seemingly out of nowhere, defying our normal perceptions of what is logical and possible. Once I emplement these things in my life then I can provide psychological counseling and advising for spiritual psychology as a practical life skill. This is similar to traditional "positive" psychological counseling except it has a spiritual orientation and application. It involves higher degrees or morality and ethics and skill using your mind consciously to create personal experiences and construct subjective reality. This is about acquiring the skills for conscious living and deliberate creation.

The “increasing” and “more” facet of these questions is conspicuous. Though I might could get away with claiming the presence of spiritual qualities in my life, I am convicted in knowing I often lack progress. There’s a stinging difference that pierces the self-righteousness in my heart.

Because a convicted heart is practically worthless if it doesn’t motivate us to draw upon the grace and strength of Christ Jesus to live differently, now is the finest opportunity available to implement a change. Start with prayer, and then get specific. What’s the best way to grow in one of these areas? The hungry heart seeks an answer. Without a foundation of truth behind our thoughts, positive thinking will only fade away and turn to fear the minute we begin to experience difficult circumstances. This is where God's Word comes into play. LUV YA!


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Universal Loving-Kindness

"Meditators, there are 11 advantages to cultivating loving-kindness (metta) and living accordingly. What 11?

1. "One sleeps well. 2. One awakens in comfort. 3. One has no disturbing dreams. 4. One is dear to human beings. 5. One is dear to non-human beings. 6. Deities (devas) protect one. 7. Fire, poison, and swords do not harm one [steeped in such meditation]. 8. One's mind concentrates quickly. 9. One's countenance is serene. 10. One passes away unconfused. 11. If one fails to attain full enlightenment here and now, one is reborn in the Brahma Realm"

The Universal Loving-Kindness exercise begins with a person closing his/her eyes for a minute or two, beginning with using the breathing technique with deep breathes in and out. One must clear the mind and try to achieve a calm-abiding state of mind. Then after achieving this state, one must repeat the following sentences for a period of 10 minutes. Repeating:

-May all individuals gain freedom from suffering.
-May all individuals find sustained health, happiness, and wholenesss.
-May I assist all individuals in gaining freedom from suffering.
-May I assist all individuals in finding health, happiness, and wholeness.

The Integral Assessment process helps guide an individual through six principles that can be used as tools to encourage transformation within one’s health and life and tranformation to a wholeness of well-being and a state of being complete from innerself to our outer self. The goal is to learn about ones inner stregnth to heal disease, sickness and aches and to heal the mind of negative energy that causes stress to encounter our souls from the outer world.

The six principles are:

1. Asks the individual to evaluate their life and rid themselves of unnecessary suffering in order to promote personal growth.

2. Acknowledge the differences between short or long-term relief from suffering.

3. Distinguish immediate pleasure from long-term growth.

4. Develop a psychospiritual mind set.

5. Learn to have an open-mind and reduce one’s bias to their thoughts, feelings, and images.

6. Always review the goals one is working toward for any adjustments to one’s character change over time.

I discovered doing the universal Loving-Kindness, that Peace starts in the hearts and minds of individuals. Peace is not the responsibility of politicians, it is the responsibility of each one of us. Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Gandhi and Jesus Christ all changed history by having peace in their hearts. I discovered about myself that, I am a caring and loving individual my exterior shows strength and may even be intimidating but their is a light inside of me that shines so bright that it can heal the world of hate. I have finally overcome all the abuse I recieved as a child which turned into anger and that is what gave me respect through fear. The one thing I have learned is to forgive and let God take care of my battles that I can not win in the natural. My spiritual man is so strong right now that I am able to travel the plains of existance in a state of comfort displaying my love through the slightest of vessels through touch, expression, smiles and body display of pleasuer and happiness. Ultimately I have learned my compassion for others and my love for others to live in a wholeness and fullness state of being in their lives. My destiny and purpose in life is to serve and help others through trying times spreading the good news about God and his love.

The area that I choose to focus on more is my spititual man and psychospiritual flourishing. Flourishing at every level Conative, Cognitive, Emotional. This will strengthen me for my journey to bring others to God and teach them to fight negative energy (the devel)and also will bring my warrior mentality to a level that demons tremble when I enter a space. My positive ora will enhance any where my presents is to be felt. I must control my emotional state and stay in a spiritual state of mind as I battle negative wars that will hurt others, I am the protector of the faith in kindness and love, in God!

Some of the exercises or activities I will try to implement to foster my purpose is Prayer is the respiration of the soul, the intimate bond with one's Creator and Savior.It's a little like a plant needing water and fertilizer to grow and develop: the divine life sowed in our soul at baptism can only grow and mature in its own unique way (i.e. to attain maturity with the fullness of Christ himself for each and every one of us), with the bread of the sacraments and... the water of prayers!Therefore, whatever our state of life (lay or consecrated) and occupations - personal, professional or public - the interior recollection in silence before God is the most important attitude of prayer, putting us in contact with the One who is our source, the Source.

Also, Loving Kindness Meditation: Metta Bhavana Practice
Reducing the Impact of Difficult People detroyin the positive atmosphere. Love is the only medicine that you can use to cure a bad relationship without ANY attempts to change the other individual(s) in it. Most importantly, directing pure, unconditional love to another does not invade their sacred space or involve you in needless, unproductive arguments.

Know that building positive energy bridges between you and others by practicing loving kindness is VERY powerful but it WILL take time for the energy bridges you are building to manifest in your outer relationships ("as above, so below").

"May I be loved, may I be joyful, may all things go well for me." Is what I repeat every day all day in jesus name! LUV YA!