Monday, May 3, 2010

Unit 10 Post

Unit three personal assessment:

A. Physical Well-being: I rate myself still a Nine because I am at a great part in my life physically but there is always room for improvement. Everyone knows the outward benefit of being physically fit is having a body that looks great. But physical fitness is not just about muscle tone, weight loss or gain and exercise. Physical fitness actually begins on the inside. In order to have a truly beautiful body, we have to treat our bodies with respect and monitor the toxins we take in while maintaining proper nutrition. Right now I must learn to fight the toxins in my body and my toxin intake, the exercise and discipline I have down to a tee. Toxins build up in the system and distract the body from doing what it is supposed to by forcing it to expend its energy cleaning up toxic waste. This energy really should be used for more important things, like proper digestion. Taking this into consideration, I will have to consider what I put into my body and start asking myself if it is naturally good for the body and if the body will be able to use it. If it is not useful but toxic instead, I will be creating more work for my body to function normally. This creates a perfect opportunity for illness and possibly disease to set in, which is obviously not part of being physically fit.

B. Spiritual Well-being: I also rate myself a Nine because sometimes I get caught up in the world and the things I like to do or what to accomplish but it is what God wants me to do that will make me be in healthy life of balance and well-being. Spirituality is one of many venues that a person can take to look for the meaning of this deep down inner hunger within him or herself. Reconnection with spirituality diminishes the likelihood of the risks of acquiring eating disorders, drug usage, violent behavior and or any negative thing that will affect your compassion for life and love. A spiritually well person seeks harmony between that which lies within the individual and the force that come from outside the individual Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior. I can not let anything from this outside world disrupt the connection I have with my GOD. We all need to be focused. But the focus, the mission, the ministry, the duty and present responsibilities that we hold to will all be tested. As Jesus' disciples, we might be disgusted with a person's persistent requests. Our plans, though, must always be ready for the exception. Whether we are on vacation, spiritual retreat, or just plain tired sitting in our backyard, we need to be alert to possible interruptions. We should not easily give up our mission's focus. We will be tested. However, we must not lose focus by others that are wishing for us to short cut the necessary tests to discern what the Father's will is. We might use the silent test or the 'no' test. But when desperate faith is so apparent and confirmed in our spirits, and then we should know our Heavenly Father has sent them and will give us all the extraordinary grace to meet that special need.

C. Psychological Well Being (Mental): Right now I will rate my self a ten which is different from my chapter 3 score because at this point today I feel mentally strong and fit. But it is a daily battle and my rating can change daily. The abundance of evidence supporting the relationship between positive mental health and physical well-being has spurred a growing interest in how different forms of psychological well-being can impact one's physical health.

I recently came across a quote that has stayed with me for days now. The quote is: "choice, not chance, determines your destiny... happiness and love are just a choice away." I think that so often we allow our emotions to be dictated by what goes on around us and outside us. I allowed this to be my reality for so long in my life. But, the older I get, the wiser I am becoming. I am so utterly convinced that one does not have to allow outside and external forces to dictate how one will feel or what emotion one will experience at any given moment of one's daily life. It's all a matter of CHOICE. One chooses to be happy or miserable. Allow negativity to overcome you and life will be a miserable thing to endure. Allow positivity to take over and life can become a joyful experience. It takes work and practice! But the more one chooses to be positive about self and others; the more one chooses to look at life from an upbeat and positive perspective, the more joyful, peaceful and balanced life becomes. This will aide in our mental health and make us to be mentally strong from mental illness or any other virus or negative ora that will eat at the mind.

I have made progress in accomplishing my goals for well-being for each from spiritual, to mental, to the physical aspect of living.

Here are 5 suggestions of things to do to make your life more peaceful and balanced:

1) Stop all negative thoughts about yourself and/or others. Catch your "stinking thinking" as you are doing it. Re-think that thought in more positive terms. For example, if you finding yourself thinking how terrible you are, STOP yourself and talk yourself through that thought by saying things like: "I am not terrible; I am a child of God; I am talented and gifted; people appreciate me and love me because I possess qualities that attract others to me; I am an awesome human being..." etc... Again, this requires work but the more you work it, the easier it will become and the happier you will be;
2) Be Grateful. There is so much in life to be grateful for. The more negative we are, the more difficult it is to see the good in ourselves, in others and in life in general. Sit down and compose a gratitude list. Think long and hard about the things or people that are blessings in your life. Jot them down. Come up with at least 7 things that you are most grateful for in life. As you identify those things for which you are grateful, express your gratitude to your Higher Power. At the end of everyday, compose a list of at least 3 things that happened to you in the course of that day for which you are grateful. Gratitude makes us focus on the positive stuff of life and this will help us in becoming more and more joyful and at peace;
3) Pray, Meditate or do Yoga. Call upon your Higher Power. Incorporate positive posture and breathing techniques in these exercises. Allow these spiritual exercises to do what they were meant to do, namely, promote spiritual growth, develop positive thoughts, strengthen your mind and body, improve your concentration and develop greater patience;
4) Laugh. Lighten up and don't take life so seriously. Laughter is great medicine for a sound mind, body and spirit. Read funny quotes. Look at the newspaper comics section. Go to the internet and do a Google search for funny stories, jokes and quotes. Enjoy and laugh. Life has to be fun. Work and seriousness without playful fun is not the way to maintain a balanced, positive and peace-filled life;
And last but not least,
5) Maintain a healthy connection with good friends. Always make time each day to talk with those you know who know you and love you. Honestly share your thoughts, struggles, hopes, joys, defeats and victories with them as you listen to them share theirs with you. Make time throughout the week to hang out with friends. Go to the movies, go out to dinner, or just spend a quiet evening with them at home preparing a home cooked meal, watching a game or just plain talking. Friends are our best support. Don't take them for granted but enjoy them, celebrate them and appreciate the tremendous gift they are to you.

Commit to the above and I guarantee that life will be for you what it is meant to be: a celebration of love and goodness to be shared and appreciated. Even when bad things happen or tragedy and sickness strike, the 5 suggestions above and the CHOICE to remain happy, positive, upbeat and at peace will make a tremendous difference in your life as well as in the life of others.

I have implemented several activities and a life style that is worth living because I know who I am, what I am, where I want to go. Your overall well-being depends on a variety of factors. Well-being, by definition, means a state characterized by health, happiness, and prosperity. So, although most of us automatically consider the food we eat and getting exercise as the basis for it, in reality your well-being is dependent on many other things, including mental health and lifestyle choices. The good news is that there are a lot of ways you can enhance your well-being, all without spending a dime.

Your overall well-being depends on a variety of factors. Well-being, by definition, means a state characterized by health, happiness, and prosperity. So, although most of us automatically consider the food we eat and getting exercise as the basis for it, in reality your well-being is dependent on many other things, including mental health and lifestyle choices. The good news is that there are a lot of ways you can enhance your well-being, all without spending a dime. These are the things I have implemented in me inside out to form a healthy life style:

1. Stay Hydrated. Water plays an important role in our well-being; 70% of our body weight is made up of water, and as a result it is vital that you drink enough fluids to keep your body and organs functioning properly. Water helps our bodies flush toxins, it carries nutrients to cells and provides a moist environment for ear, nose and throat tissues, it keeps our blood clean and skin soft and stretchy, it cools you down when you become overheated, and it is an important part of proper digestion. To stay hydrated, it is best to drink water (you can add lemon, cucumber or a splash of juice for flavor), unsweetened green tea or club soda.
2. Get Enough Sleep. Sleep is crucial to ensuring that we function efficiently and effectively. When we don’t get enough of it, we become sluggish, slow to react, unable to concentrate, etc. Additionally, the term “beauty sleep” exists for a reason: Sleeping helps you stay and look youthful. Getting a solid seven to eight hours of sleep every night is key to functioning properly. It strengthens and supports the immune system, boosts cognitive function, consolidates memories and keeps hormones in check and best of all, keeps us looking and feeling our best.
3. Take a Load Off. In moderation, stress can be healthy…it is a normal part of life. But, if we don’t manage it, it can create lots of problems, both physically and mentally. Releasing stress, and building in time to decompress and relax, is crucial to striking a balance in stress that is healthy. Laugh, spend time with loved ones, take a bath, go for a things regularly to help you release the built-up tension in your life.
4. Live with Purpose. Purpose doesn’t have to require your being superwoman, but it does require that you live life with intent and with meaning. Without purpose in life, we tend to amble along…on autopilot. This can eat away at our self-esteem and even be a source of depression. Whether you find a hobby that you are passionate about, volunteer to help others in need, or dedicate your life to raising your family, finding purpose in your life will be important to your mental well-being. Take time to enjoy all that life has to offer and seize opportunities that come your way.
5. Develop Meaningful Relationships. No doubt, deep, meaningful relationships take work and effort. Life without friends and family, however, can be very lonely. Spending time with loved ones and developing friendships that are healthy and supportive help keep us feeling happy, valued and appreciated.
6. Stay Active. Individuals who stay active are most likely to be healthier and feel better than those who don’t. Staying active does not require you to run a marathon or even belong to a gym. It only requires that you move…regularly. Instead of watching TV after dinner, take a stroll. Instead of riding the elevator or escalator, take the stairs. Instead of taking public transportation, walk. Incorporate daily movement into your everyday life.

This has been rewarding though at times difficult but I have disciplined my self like a soldier to adhere to the principles of Holistic well-Being. Attaining and maintaining well-being is a holistic process. It requires that you treat your body AND your mind well. Nurture yourself so that you can feel your best.

Philippians 4:13

“I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.”

Corinthians 12:9

And He has said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness." Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me.

Ephesians 3:16

That He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit in the inner man,

Hey Class Thanks! Miss Stuart Thanks it has been Life Changing!

REMEMBER! “Love is First and God is Love” Then GOD is first in our lives! LUV YA!